Sebenarnya nih blog buat gw nge-post artikel-artikel musik..
tapi gw males buat nyari artikel di internet terus di copy paste di blog gw ini. hhe..
apa lagi trafficnya gak pernah nambah-nambah..
Sekarang blog ini pengen gw isi dengan cerita lucu gw ama curhatan gw tiap hari.
Bukan berarti gw gay atau banci.. gw cuma pengen share-share ajh kisah gw tp gw janji,
Rabu, 06 Juli 2011
Senin, 02 Mei 2011
Video Lagu Baru "The Brandals - Perak"(Indonesia)
Minggu, 24 April 2011
Lagu Baru MCR - #SINGitforJapan (Dedikasi untuk Jepang)
Bencana alam gempa bumi dan tsunami yang menimpa Jepang beberapa minggu lalu ternyata juga mendapay perhatian tersendiri dari My Chemical Romance. Hal ini menggerakan hati mereka untuk membantu para korban yakni lewat lagu Sing yang mereka rekam ulang dengan nuansa Jepang. MCR sendiri bekerja sama dengan Warner Bros menjualnya di iTunes. Hasil dari penjualan lagu ini langsung disalurkan melalui Palang Merah Amerika yang langsung disalurkan kepada korban bencana alam di Jepang.
Sumber : Hai - Online
Avenged Sevenfold Raih 4 Penghargaan
Band metalcore kenamaan Avenged Sevenfold sukses mendominasi dalam gelaran Revolver Golden Gods Awards 2011 yang digelar Rabu (20/4) malam lalu di Club Nokia di Los Angeles. Matt Shadows cs sukses memenangkan empat kategori.
Sang vokalis Matt Shadows sukses melibas Corey Taylor dari Slipknot/ Stone Sour dan juga Bruce Dickinson dalam kategori vokalis terbaik. Synyster Gates dan rekannya Zacky Vengeance sukses memenangkan penghargaan dalam kategori gitaris terbaik bahkan album terbaru mereka Nightmare juga berhasil menyabet penghargaan sebagai album terbaik. Di sisi lain, Mike Portnoy juga berhasil menjadi pemenang dalam kategori drummer terbaik dalam kontribusinya bersama a7x di sepanjang tahun 2010.
Berikut adalah daftar lengkap nominasi dan pemenang Revolver Golden Gods Awards 2011.
Epiphone Best Guitarist(s):
- Synyster Gates and Zacky Vengeance (Avenged Sevenfold)
- John 5 (Rob Zombie)
- Dan Donegan (Disturbed)
- Gus G (Ozzy Osbourne, Firewind)
- Janick Gers, Dave Murray, and Adrian Smith (Iron Maiden)
- Alexi Laiho (Children of Bodom)
- Synyster Gates and Zacky Vengeance (Avenged Sevenfold)
- John 5 (Rob Zombie)
- Dan Donegan (Disturbed)
- Gus G (Ozzy Osbourne, Firewind)
- Janick Gers, Dave Murray, and Adrian Smith (Iron Maiden)
- Alexi Laiho (Children of Bodom)
Drum Workshop Best Drummer:
- Mike Portnoy
- Tommy Clufetos (Ozzy Osbourne)
- Abe Cunningham (Deftones)
- Joey Jordison (Rob Zombie)
- Roy Mayorga (Stone Sour)
- Nicko McBrain (Iron Maiden)
- Mike Portnoy
- Tommy Clufetos (Ozzy Osbourne)
- Abe Cunningham (Deftones)
- Joey Jordison (Rob Zombie)
- Roy Mayorga (Stone Sour)
- Nicko McBrain (Iron Maiden)
Best Vocalist:
– M. Shadows (Avenged Sevenfold)
- Glenn Danzig (Danzig)
- Bruce Dickinson (Iron Maiden)
- Chino Moreno (Deftones)
- Ozzy Osbourne
- Corey Taylor (Stone Sour)
– M. Shadows (Avenged Sevenfold)
- Glenn Danzig (Danzig)
- Bruce Dickinson (Iron Maiden)
- Chino Moreno (Deftones)
- Ozzy Osbourne
- Corey Taylor (Stone Sour)
Affliction Album of the Year:
- Avenged Sevenfold, Nightmare
- Black Label Society, Order of the Black
- Deftones, Diamond Eyes
- Ozzy Osbourne, Scream
- Stone Sour, Audio Secrecy
- Volbeat, Beyond Hell/Above Heaven
- Avenged Sevenfold, Nightmare
- Black Label Society, Order of the Black
- Deftones, Diamond Eyes
- Ozzy Osbourne, Scream
- Stone Sour, Audio Secrecy
- Volbeat, Beyond Hell/Above Heaven
Samson Zoom Best Live Band:
- Rammstein
- Avenged Sevenfold
- Gwar
- Iron Maiden
- Megadeth
- Sevendust
- Rammstein
- Avenged Sevenfold
- Gwar
- Iron Maiden
- Megadeth
- Sevendust
Most Metal Athlete :
- Mike Vallely (pro skateboarding)
- Chris Cole (pro skateboarding)
- Dan Hardy (MMA fighting)
- Toni Lydman (NHL)
- The Miz (WWE wrestling)
- Jeremy Shockey (NFL football)
- Mike Vallely (pro skateboarding)
- Chris Cole (pro skateboarding)
- Dan Hardy (MMA fighting)
- Toni Lydman (NHL)
- The Miz (WWE wrestling)
- Jeremy Shockey (NFL football)
Best New Band:
- Black Veil Brides
- Asking Alexandria
- The Damned Things
- The Pretty Reckless
- Times of Grace
- We Are the Fallen
- Black Veil Brides
- Asking Alexandria
- The Damned Things
- The Pretty Reckless
- Times of Grace
- We Are the Fallen
Eagle Rock Comeback of the Year :
- Murderdolls
- Accept
- Faith No More
- A Perfect Circle
- Soundgarden
- System of a Down
- Murderdolls
- Accept
- Faith No More
- A Perfect Circle
- Soundgarden
- System of a Down
Sumber : Hai-Online
Avenged Sevenfold,
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Rabu, 16 Maret 2011
Blink-182 auctioning off band mementos for Japanese disaster victims

Blink-182 singer Mark Hoppus is auctioning off band mementos to raise money for victims of the Japanese earthquake and tsunami.
Original handwritten lyrics from the song 'Rock Show' have already had 79 bids and reached $20,300 on internet auction site eBay, with the sale continuing for another six days.
Other items include the orange shirt worn by Mark in the 'Dammit' video ' which has reached $2,226 ' and a promotional CD of 'What's My Age Again' which is so far at $2,025.
All proceeds from the sales will go to the American Red Cross, which is assisting with aid efforts in the devastated country.
Mark confirmed over the weekend he was left stunned and upset by the earthquake in Japan ' which measured 9 on the Richter scale, devastating parts of the east coast of the nation - and planned to hold the auction as soon as possible.
He wrote on his twitter account: 'So sad for what's happening in Japan. Gonna dig in the bins & find some old blink-182 items to auction for the Red Cross.
'What would you be most interested in? Promo items? Posters? Books? Stickers? Original lyric sheets? Guitars? (sic)'
The bassist ' who is joined in the band by Tom DeLonge and Travis Barker - has since tweeted links to Blink-182 trading cards and smiley-face stickers, and thanked those bidding in the items.(Music-news)
Download MiniLyrics
Ingin Melihat lirik sambil mendengarkan Lagu di Laptop atau Komputer... ? Seperti ini :
5 Alat Musik Unik...!!!
1. Kalimbas
Kalimbas, juga dikenal sebagai piano ibu jari, adalah bagian dari keluarga instrumen perkusi. Alat ini terbuat dari buluh atau ujung. yang kemudian dipetik dengan ibu jari atau jari orang yang bermain dan getaran dari buluh ini kemudian diperkuat melalui kotak resonator berongga atau papan suara untuk menciptakan musik.
2. Glass Armonica
Harmonika kaca adalah satu set mangkuk kaca atau cangkir, ukuran bervariasi, untuk menghasilkan nada
musik oleh gesekan.
3. Musical Saw

4. Aeolian Wind Harp

Alat ini terbuat dari sebuah kotak kayu dengan senar membentang di dua papan. Jika Anda ingin mendengar suara yang dapat dibuat dengan alat ini, harus ditempatkan dekat jendela yang terbuka, sehingga angin bisa meniup nya. Tali dapat dibuat dari bahan yang berbeda dengan ketebalan dari material yang sama dan akan menghasilkan nada yang sama atau pada tingkat nada yang berbeda. Kekuatan angin akan menentukan jenis suara yang dapat kita dengar.
5. Didgeridoo

Didgeridoo ini dikenal sebagai alat musik tiup. Panjangnya sekitar 1 sampai 4 kaki. Semakin panjang instrumen, semakin rendah nada tersebut. Didalam perjalanan dapat dibongkar dan ditempatkan dalam tas ransel.
Senin, 14 Maret 2011
Gokil !! Bocah Kecil Jago Main Gitar..
kita akan lebih berdecak kagum kalau melihat penampilan Sungha Jung. Walau umurnya beru 11 tahun, bocah cilik asal Korea Selatan telah mampu bermain gitar layaknya pemain gitar profesional.
Gw suka videony yg ini :
Ini cuma salah satu video dari Sungha Jung, yang lainnya masih banyak di youtube
Gw suka videony yg ini :
Ini cuma salah satu video dari Sungha Jung, yang lainnya masih banyak di youtube
Transformer 3 Dark Of The Moon Trailer Sudah Keluar !!!
Film Transformer paling ditunggu- tunggu oleh seluruh penggemar film action sedunia. Dengan efek yang mengesankan, Film transformer 1 dan 2 sukses dalam pasaran. Dan "Transformer 3 Dark Of The Moon" merupakan kelanjutannya, meski beberapa pemain diganti.
Ini videonya :
by youtube
Ini videonya :
by youtube
Minggu, 13 Maret 2011
5 Gitaris Tercepat didunia

Di nobatkan sebagai sebagai gitaris nomor 1 tercepat di dunia. Batio juga terpilih sebagai “No. 1 Shredder of All Time” oleh Majalah Guitar One pada tahun 2003. Pada saat bersamaan di bulan april 2008 dia mendapat urutan pertama dari “Top 100 Greatest Metal Guitarists of All Time” oleh Majalah Guitar World dan salah satu dari “20 Greatest Shredders of All Time” oleh majalah Total Guitar Magazine.
Lahir tanggal 10 Nopember 1964 in Connecticut. Berdasarkan majalah Guitar One Magazine, dia merupakan gitaris tercepat di dunia urutan ke dua.

Gitaris asal swedia yang juga merupakan seorang komposer, multi-instrumentalist, and pemimpin band. Malmsteen menjadi perhatian pada pertengahan tahun 1980 untuk pengaruh teknik gitarnya dan komposisi neo-classical metal compositions. Penjualan Empat albumnya dari tahun 1984 sampai 1988, Rising Force, Marching Out, Trilogy, and Odyssey, menempati urutan puncak dari top 100.
Paul Gilbert lebih terkenal bersama Racer X, Mr. Big, and beberapa instrumental album yang dikeluarkan belakangan. Setelah keluar dari Mr. Big pada tahun 1997, Gilbert memulai merelease album solo. Dia juga bergabung dengan Joe Satriani dan John Petrucci pada G3 tour tahun 2007. Dia juga terkenal untuk alternate picking, string skipping technique, dan mendapatkan urutan ke 4 “Top Shredders of All Time” dari Majalah Guitar One

The Great Kat merupakan nama panggung dari Katherine Thomas yang terkenal karena insterprestasinya dalam musik thrash metal dengan sedikit musik klasik. Kebanyakan dia bermain dengan gitar elektrik, tetapi kadang dia bermain biola. Faktanya Thomas adalah pelatih biola, lulusan dari Juilliard School dan sempat tur untuk bermain conventional classical music sebelum akhirnya menyebrang ke metal.Dia memang gila seperti yang terlihat.
Penyanyi Tua yang Sukses
LONDON, (PRLM).- Penyanyi asal Skotlandia Susan Boyle dicalonkan masuk tiga kategori buku rekor dunia Guinness World Records yang baru. Album perdananya, I Dreamed A Dream adalah album yang paling cepat terjual oleh penyanyi wanita di Inggris Raya dan juga merupakah album yang paling berhasil terjual dalam minggu pertama.
Boyle yang melejit ketenarannya di seluruh dunia setelah ikut Britain Got Talent yaitu acara pencarian bakat di televisi - juga merupakan orang tertua yang pernah menduduki posisi terlaku dengan album pertamanya. Penyanyi berasal dari daerah bernama West Lothian, Skotlandia ini berusia 48 tahun ketika albumnya menduduki posisi teratas.
Rekor dia memecahkan rekor sebelumnya yang dicetak oleh penyanyi Jane McDonald pada tahun 1998 ketika McDonald berusia 35 tahun. Boyle mengatakan adalah "kehormatan luar biasa" bisa masuk Guinness World Records.
Boyle yang dikutip "BBC" mengatakan: "Saya dulu sering membaca buku ini ketika saya masih kecil. Saya tidak pernah bermimpi pada suatu hari saya memang akhirnya masuk dalam buku Guinness Book of Records. Saya hanya menginginkan menyanyi dan tampil di pentas. Ini benar-benar luar biasa."
Album perdana Boyle terjual 411.820 keping dalam minggu pertama di Inggris Raya - sekitar 50.000 lebih banyak dari pemegang rekor sebelumnya Arctic Monkeys.
Penyanyi-penyanyi lain yang juga masuk dalam buku rekor terkenal ini adalah Tom Jones, penyanyi tertua yang single-nya merebut nomor satu, dan Lady Gaga, wanita yang paling banyak dicari lewat internet. (A-147)***
Biography Of My Chemical Romance (MCR)
My Chemical Romance started showcasing their music underground in the East Coast. In the middle part of the 2000s', however, the band became famous because of their distinctive vocals and gothic appearance. The members of Chemical Romance are: Gerard Way, the vocalist and band leader; Matt Pelissier, the drummer; Ray Toro and Frank Lero, the group's guitarists; and Mikey Way, the bassist and brother of Gerard.
A lot of songs written by My Chemical Romance actually speak of tragedy; this is because the idea of forming the said group happened while Way, the band's "front man", watched the September 11 tragedy as it happened. Examples of their songs which have been noticeably rich in tragic elements include: "Famous Last Words," "Helena," "Welcome to the Black Parade," and many more, and may also be considered as the band's well-known compositions.
Eyeball Records, one of New York's labels was responsible for introducing My Chemical Romance's debut album named: "I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love." My Chemical Romance was also frequently compared to Thursday, not only because both groups came from New Jersey, but also because they both recorded under Eyeball Records; The mixture of pop and punk in their musical pieces as well as their contemplative lyrics were also among the main reasons for the comparison.
In 2003, My Chemical Romance became one of the biggest names in the industry after they signed a contract with Reprise Records. 2004 came, the year when the band launched one of their aggressive yet polished albums: "Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge." It became a platinum-selling masterpiece, with the cover designed by Way. Among the well-received singles that fall under the said album include: "The Ghost of You", "I'm Not Okay (I Promise)", etc.
In mid-2004, despite the rise of My Chemical Romance's level of popularity, Pelissier decided to leave the band. Bob Bryar, a drummer, replaced Pelissier, and went on tour with the group. Subsequently, the band booked more and more shows, including opening for a Green Day tour. In 2006, during the month of March, the group came up with "Life on the Murder Scene," a DVD and CD package that shared live footage of My Chemical Romance, interviews, music videos, and a lot more, which their fans strongly supported. In 2007, "Welcome to the Black Parade" was released, again attaining the status of "platinum", followed by "Black Parade Is Dead", in 2008, a live recording that, as usual, boasted success for My Chemical Romance.
A lot of songs written by My Chemical Romance actually speak of tragedy; this is because the idea of forming the said group happened while Way, the band's "front man", watched the September 11 tragedy as it happened. Examples of their songs which have been noticeably rich in tragic elements include: "Famous Last Words," "Helena," "Welcome to the Black Parade," and many more, and may also be considered as the band's well-known compositions.
Eyeball Records, one of New York's labels was responsible for introducing My Chemical Romance's debut album named: "I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love." My Chemical Romance was also frequently compared to Thursday, not only because both groups came from New Jersey, but also because they both recorded under Eyeball Records; The mixture of pop and punk in their musical pieces as well as their contemplative lyrics were also among the main reasons for the comparison.
In 2003, My Chemical Romance became one of the biggest names in the industry after they signed a contract with Reprise Records. 2004 came, the year when the band launched one of their aggressive yet polished albums: "Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge." It became a platinum-selling masterpiece, with the cover designed by Way. Among the well-received singles that fall under the said album include: "The Ghost of You", "I'm Not Okay (I Promise)", etc.
In mid-2004, despite the rise of My Chemical Romance's level of popularity, Pelissier decided to leave the band. Bob Bryar, a drummer, replaced Pelissier, and went on tour with the group. Subsequently, the band booked more and more shows, including opening for a Green Day tour. In 2006, during the month of March, the group came up with "Life on the Murder Scene," a DVD and CD package that shared live footage of My Chemical Romance, interviews, music videos, and a lot more, which their fans strongly supported. In 2007, "Welcome to the Black Parade" was released, again attaining the status of "platinum", followed by "Black Parade Is Dead", in 2008, a live recording that, as usual, boasted success for My Chemical Romance.
Biography Of Paramore
The combination of musical energy between brothers and Hayley's bold charisma earned them instant attention, particularly from Florida indie Fueled by Ramen, who signed the band and put them to work recording their debut. Says Hayley, "Some of our favorite bands are on Fueled by Ramen. We knew that they would know exactly how to carry out the vision for our band and music." Paramore went into the studio with producers James Wisner (Dashboard Confessional, Further Seems Forever, Underoath) and Mike Green (Yellowcard, The Black Maria) and blew them away with their sincerity and enthusiasm.
1. Hayley
2. Jeremy
3. Taylor
As Paramore embark on the most successful year of their career, there seems to be no limit as to what they can accomplish. The band's last 2007 album RIOT! has sold over two million copies worldwide, the group was nominated for a Grammy Award in 2008 for "Best New Artist" and even their live CD/DVD The Final Riot! has gone gold. However while these statistics are impressive, record sales have never been the driving force behind Paramore and that fact has never been as evident as it is on the group's highly anticipated third full-length brand new eyes. In fact, as excited as this group of young adults from Franklin, Tennessee are to have had the opportunity to tour with their heroes like Jimmy Eat World and No Doubt over the past few years, they seem even more ecstatic to share brand new eyes with the world. "I hope that every record is a progression for us, but this one is definitely a huge leap from RIOT!," the band's front woman Hayley Williams explains. "I just can't wait to get back on the road and start playing these new songs live."
Anyone who has seen the band on the road already knows Paramore have an incendiary live show; however with brand new eyes, the group has proved they're also able to juxtapose all of their indie-minded influences into a seamless collection of songs that embrace the future without abandoning the band's past. Additionally, the process of making brand new eyes seems to have taught the group--Hayley, guitarists Josh Farro and Taylor York, drummer Zac Farro and bassist Jeremy Davis--countless lessons about who they are both inside and outside of Paramore. "We've been through a ton of stressful, pressure-filled situations since RIOT! came out and I feel like I'm a completely new person," Hayley explains, adding that brand new eyes ended up being the perfect cathartic outlet for the band's creativity and, yes, frustration. "I think making the record was part of the healing process," Hayley elaborates. "It was good for me both as a person and as an artist."
Considering the fact that RIOT! went gold in Ireland, Canada, New Zealand and the U.K. and the band cracked the top five on the radio charts in the U.K. Australia, Mexico, Brazil, France, Germany and Southeast Asia, this global success story had a lot to live up to with brand new eyes. Co-produced by the band and Rob Cavallo (Green Day, My Chemical Romance), who Paramore also worked with on the track "Decode" from the double-platinum soundtrack for the movie Twilight, the album is also the first disc to officially feature new guitarist Taylor York -although York has been a writing partner and frequent touring member since the band's inception back in 2004. "It's really nice having Taylor there because he's the only other guitarist that I trust with our songs," Josh explains. "It's so exciting to be a five-piece again," Hayley concurs, "that's what we were originally intended to be, so I think the writing process was a lot more rewarding having him there." While Josh and Hayley once again made up the main songwriting team on brand new eyes, Hayley is also quick to stress that this album is the most collaborative creation of the band's career, a fact that is evident in the disc's sonic diversity.
In fact brand new eyes is a case study in the band's versatility and contains as many driving, first-pumping anthems like "Ignorance" as it does upbeat pop masterpieces like "Where The Lines Overlap" and lilting, acoustic ballads such as "Misguided Ghosts." "We really tried to venture out and experiment with our sound to see how far we could push ourselves this time around," Josh explains. "?Misguided Ghosts' is just finger-picking and that's not really Paramore's sound but for some reason it works," he continues. "I don't think it would have fit on RIOT! at all, but it's definitely the perfect song for this album." While Rob Cavallo was instrumental in helping the band fully realize their sound, the end result wouldn't have come to fruition in the studio so quickly if the band didn't have a clear-cut idea of what they wanted to accomplish from the onset. "I think we did a good job of guiding ourselves on this record," Hayley explains, "but if there was ever was a time [Cavallo] had to step in he did and it was always perfect."
The rollercoaster ride that Paramore have experienced over the past few years was also a huge influence on the lyrics for brand new eyes, however it was important for Williams not to write a cliched collection of songs about the perils of success. "I watch all these bands go from being really hungry on their first album to talking about paparazzi following them around on their next one," Hayley explains with a laugh. "I was so afraid of sounding like that." Instead Hayley decided to dig into her own psyche and explore some of her deepest emotions. "I would sit in my room all day and not go anywhere, because I felt like I had to keep myself secluded in order to write lyrics," Hayley recounts. "I'm really proud because looking back on all the songs this is really exactly what I was going through?and I think a lot of people are going through this, too."
Hayley's honesty is evident in tracks like the acoustic ballad "The Only Exception" and album closer "All I Wanted," both of which give an unapologetic glimpse into the inner workings of what was happening in her head over the past two years, a reality that was initially scary for the 20-year-old to advertise to the rest of the world. "Now that it's all said and on paper I'm not as insecure about [these lyrics] because I think these songs form a full story that people are going to be able to connect with," Hayley explains, adding that once the songs started to flow in the studio the band were instantly rejuvenated and remembered why they started Paramore in the first place. "There's something Hayley is able to draw out of me that I can't seem to do with anyone else," Josh responds when asked how the band are able to craft music that defies gender and genre stereotypes. "Hayley hates the word ?mature,' but I think it's really suitable for this record because there's much growth that's evident on this album."
Never content to rest on their laurels, Paramore continue to look toward the future and can't wait to see what the next few years have in store for them. "I don't really care how many records we sell," Josh explains, citing that this album is a full representation of the band's disparate influences which include Mew, Jimmy Eat World and Death Cab For Cutie. "I want to come out on the other end happier than ever just knowing that we've done this together and it was fun," Hayley summarizes. "I just want to feel like this is my band, this is awesome, I'm living the dream," she adds, her voice taking on a palpably excited tone. "If we can accomplish that together, there's nothing more that we can ask for."
Sumber :
The combination of musical energy between brothers and Hayley's bold charisma earned them instant attention, particularly from Florida indie Fueled by Ramen, who signed the band and put them to work recording their debut. Says Hayley, "Some of our favorite bands are on Fueled by Ramen. We knew that they would know exactly how to carry out the vision for our band and music." Paramore went into the studio with producers James Wisner (Dashboard Confessional, Further Seems Forever, Underoath) and Mike Green (Yellowcard, The Black Maria) and blew them away with their sincerity and enthusiasm.
1. Hayley
2. Jeremy
3. Taylor
As Paramore embark on the most successful year of their career, there seems to be no limit as to what they can accomplish. The band's last 2007 album RIOT! has sold over two million copies worldwide, the group was nominated for a Grammy Award in 2008 for "Best New Artist" and even their live CD/DVD The Final Riot! has gone gold. However while these statistics are impressive, record sales have never been the driving force behind Paramore and that fact has never been as evident as it is on the group's highly anticipated third full-length brand new eyes. In fact, as excited as this group of young adults from Franklin, Tennessee are to have had the opportunity to tour with their heroes like Jimmy Eat World and No Doubt over the past few years, they seem even more ecstatic to share brand new eyes with the world. "I hope that every record is a progression for us, but this one is definitely a huge leap from RIOT!," the band's front woman Hayley Williams explains. "I just can't wait to get back on the road and start playing these new songs live."
Anyone who has seen the band on the road already knows Paramore have an incendiary live show; however with brand new eyes, the group has proved they're also able to juxtapose all of their indie-minded influences into a seamless collection of songs that embrace the future without abandoning the band's past. Additionally, the process of making brand new eyes seems to have taught the group--Hayley, guitarists Josh Farro and Taylor York, drummer Zac Farro and bassist Jeremy Davis--countless lessons about who they are both inside and outside of Paramore. "We've been through a ton of stressful, pressure-filled situations since RIOT! came out and I feel like I'm a completely new person," Hayley explains, adding that brand new eyes ended up being the perfect cathartic outlet for the band's creativity and, yes, frustration. "I think making the record was part of the healing process," Hayley elaborates. "It was good for me both as a person and as an artist."
Considering the fact that RIOT! went gold in Ireland, Canada, New Zealand and the U.K. and the band cracked the top five on the radio charts in the U.K. Australia, Mexico, Brazil, France, Germany and Southeast Asia, this global success story had a lot to live up to with brand new eyes. Co-produced by the band and Rob Cavallo (Green Day, My Chemical Romance), who Paramore also worked with on the track "Decode" from the double-platinum soundtrack for the movie Twilight, the album is also the first disc to officially feature new guitarist Taylor York -although York has been a writing partner and frequent touring member since the band's inception back in 2004. "It's really nice having Taylor there because he's the only other guitarist that I trust with our songs," Josh explains. "It's so exciting to be a five-piece again," Hayley concurs, "that's what we were originally intended to be, so I think the writing process was a lot more rewarding having him there." While Josh and Hayley once again made up the main songwriting team on brand new eyes, Hayley is also quick to stress that this album is the most collaborative creation of the band's career, a fact that is evident in the disc's sonic diversity.
In fact brand new eyes is a case study in the band's versatility and contains as many driving, first-pumping anthems like "Ignorance" as it does upbeat pop masterpieces like "Where The Lines Overlap" and lilting, acoustic ballads such as "Misguided Ghosts." "We really tried to venture out and experiment with our sound to see how far we could push ourselves this time around," Josh explains. "?Misguided Ghosts' is just finger-picking and that's not really Paramore's sound but for some reason it works," he continues. "I don't think it would have fit on RIOT! at all, but it's definitely the perfect song for this album." While Rob Cavallo was instrumental in helping the band fully realize their sound, the end result wouldn't have come to fruition in the studio so quickly if the band didn't have a clear-cut idea of what they wanted to accomplish from the onset. "I think we did a good job of guiding ourselves on this record," Hayley explains, "but if there was ever was a time [Cavallo] had to step in he did and it was always perfect."
The rollercoaster ride that Paramore have experienced over the past few years was also a huge influence on the lyrics for brand new eyes, however it was important for Williams not to write a cliched collection of songs about the perils of success. "I watch all these bands go from being really hungry on their first album to talking about paparazzi following them around on their next one," Hayley explains with a laugh. "I was so afraid of sounding like that." Instead Hayley decided to dig into her own psyche and explore some of her deepest emotions. "I would sit in my room all day and not go anywhere, because I felt like I had to keep myself secluded in order to write lyrics," Hayley recounts. "I'm really proud because looking back on all the songs this is really exactly what I was going through?and I think a lot of people are going through this, too."
Hayley's honesty is evident in tracks like the acoustic ballad "The Only Exception" and album closer "All I Wanted," both of which give an unapologetic glimpse into the inner workings of what was happening in her head over the past two years, a reality that was initially scary for the 20-year-old to advertise to the rest of the world. "Now that it's all said and on paper I'm not as insecure about [these lyrics] because I think these songs form a full story that people are going to be able to connect with," Hayley explains, adding that once the songs started to flow in the studio the band were instantly rejuvenated and remembered why they started Paramore in the first place. "There's something Hayley is able to draw out of me that I can't seem to do with anyone else," Josh responds when asked how the band are able to craft music that defies gender and genre stereotypes. "Hayley hates the word ?mature,' but I think it's really suitable for this record because there's much growth that's evident on this album."
Never content to rest on their laurels, Paramore continue to look toward the future and can't wait to see what the next few years have in store for them. "I don't really care how many records we sell," Josh explains, citing that this album is a full representation of the band's disparate influences which include Mew, Jimmy Eat World and Death Cab For Cutie. "I want to come out on the other end happier than ever just knowing that we've done this together and it was fun," Hayley summarizes. "I just want to feel like this is my band, this is awesome, I'm living the dream," she adds, her voice taking on a palpably excited tone. "If we can accomplish that together, there's nothing more that we can ask for."
Sumber :
You Know What They Do To Guys Like Us In Prison - MCR
In the middle of a gun fight
In the center of a restaurant
They say, "Come with your arms raised high!"
Well, they're never gonna get me,
And like a bullet through a flock of doves
To wage this war against your faith in me,
Your life will never be the same
On your mother's eyes, say a prayer,say a prayer!
Now, but I can't
And I don't know
How we're just two men as God had made us
Well, I can't...well, I can!
Too much, too late, or just not enough of this
Pain in my heart for your dying wish
I'll kiss your lips again
They all cheat at cards and the checkers are lost
My cellmate's a killer they made me do push-ups (in drag)
But nobody cares if you're losing I losing myself?!
Well, I miss my mom
Will they give me the chair
Or lethal injection or swing from a rope if you dare
Ah, nobody knows...all the trouble I've seen
To your room...
What they ask of you
Will make you want to say, "So long..."
Well, I don't remember
Why remember...YOU?!
Do you have the keys to the hotel
'Cause I'm gonna string this motherfucker on fire (FIRE!)
Life is but a dream for the dead,
And well I I won't go down by myself
But I'll go down with my friends.
Now now now now now now
In the center of a restaurant
They say, "Come with your arms raised high!"
Well, they're never gonna get me,
And like a bullet through a flock of doves
To wage this war against your faith in me,
Your life will never be the same
On your mother's eyes, say a prayer,say a prayer!
Now, but I can't
And I don't know
How we're just two men as God had made us
Well, I can't...well, I can!
Too much, too late, or just not enough of this
Pain in my heart for your dying wish
I'll kiss your lips again
They all cheat at cards and the checkers are lost
My cellmate's a killer they made me do push-ups (in drag)
But nobody cares if you're losing I losing myself?!
Well, I miss my mom
Will they give me the chair
Or lethal injection or swing from a rope if you dare
Ah, nobody knows...all the trouble I've seen
To your room...
What they ask of you
Will make you want to say, "So long..."
Well, I don't remember
Why remember...YOU?!
Do you have the keys to the hotel
'Cause I'm gonna string this motherfucker on fire (FIRE!)
Life is but a dream for the dead,
And well I I won't go down by myself
But I'll go down with my friends.
Now now now now now now
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